

Look out for these attractions in and around the Ayasofya [formerly hagia Sophia]

Figuric remnants from the past still exist. This mosaic is dated 882-912 and was uncovered in 1933. The man in prostration before 'Jesus Christ' is said to be the emperor Leo VI. The church had issues with the emperor. He had a mistress on the side and wanted the church to legitimize his bastard son with her. He eventually got his way.

Who knows how much he bribed the priest.

This mosaic is just above one of the entrance doors to the masjid.

May Allah protect us against shirk. Ameen.

This raised balcony or imperial loge was built for Sultan Abdul Mecit in 1847-9 and is a recent addition to the Ayasofya. It is located to the left of the qibla shortly before the main apse.

The apocryphal grave of a sahabi, Abdul Rahman Shami, between the Ayasofya and Blue Masjid is located on a small street off the main pathway. The problem with the attribution of this grave to a sahabi is that unless the body was exhumed and reburied here, there was no way any sahabi could be buried in a square that was in the center of the Byzantium capital and then, the main crossroad of Greek Orthodoxy.

It is more likely another great predecessor from a later period after the conquest who went by the same name was buried here.

Hurrem Sultan Hammami, Suleyman the magnificent

This building is actually a historical site just a short walking distance from the Ayasofya. It was built under the order of Hurrem Sultan, wife of Sulayman the Magnificent, in 1556 by the legendary architect, Mimar Sinan who also designed the Suleymaniye masjid, Mihrima Sultan Masjid, and the Selimiye masjid in Edirne.

The Hurrem Sultan Baths were built for the convenience of the commuters who frequented Ayasofya on one end and the Blue Masjid on the other. Therefore, its prime location near both.

The bath is still in full operation. I didn’t need a bath, thus no inside images:)

The brilliant inscription on this dome in Ayasofya was also completed by Mustafa Izzet Efendi. The ayat is from Sura Nur: 35.

The thirteen-ribbed blue dome of the Ayasofya is the original that was built in 537 A.D. It has stood the test of time despite the many earthquakes that have rocked the city.

This library or Kutubhane was built by Sultan Mahmut I in 1740. It contained over 4000 manuscripts and calligraphy at one time, which were eventually moved to the Suleymaniye Library in 1968.

It is located in the southeast section to the right of the qibla approximately halfway to the front of the masjid.

The Medallions

The Medallions or lehvas were designed by the calligrapher, Mustafa Izzet Efendi (1801-1876) and are later additions to the Ayasofya. They are adorned with the name of Allah, the beloved Prophet, the four righteous caliphs, and the two grandsons of the Prophet.